Echo trailers personal watercraft trailers have set the standard for watercraft trailers since 1989. Echo offers a whole list of standard features not found on competitor's trailers, including Recessed waterproof rubber mounted lights for years of maintenance free service. A gas can rack to carry extra fuel, saving room in the tow vehicle. Steel fenders and steps don't crack chip or break. A swing up jack that is quick and easy, saving stress on your back. Echo trailers are powder coated tuff and offer a rainbow of colors to complement your watercraft and your personal taste plus powder coating is environmentally friendly and it's harder than any paint. Greasable spindles allow you to literally repack the bearings, 3 support cross members rather than 2. Echo uses Heavy Duty axles and big 14" tires to carry the weight of big watercraft. A center walk board provides a secure place to stand when loading and unloading machines, when the water's cold a walk board is a really nice feature. Echo's exclusive industry leading options include, a tool box to carry all your gear, a swing tongue to save room in the garage, L.E.D. lights to give your trailer a great looking contemporary appearance, retractable ratchet straps to make securing your machines a snap, and 2 types of brakes to provide safe and secure stopping. Echo Trailers provides more value for you the owner than any other brand with truly useful standard features and unique accessories. So if you want the best trailer available, and the best value for your money, you want an "Echo Watercraft Trailer."
Features may include: